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This paper is no position paper nor is it an attempt to mislead people politically. It is not anti-government nor propaganda.

The reality only exists in the objective and despite some people being abjectly subjective in their positions, reality persists forever. The subjective is mortal at best. To this point, this paper and my effort to explain a truth far beyond inconvenient: the tragedy of American rape culture.

I've written this paper for future generations, for the consideration of governments, because rape culture has not been addressed for the problem it is in Oregon and throughout the United States.

Rape culture exists and it thrives in Oregon—in all probability throughout the United States--despite all liberal accomplishments and conservative traditions.

This paper identifies what rape culture is, how and why it exists with theories on how to abolish it. The appendixes at the end of the paper propose new tactics to dismantle rape culture.

This introduction is also an exposition on the ignorance perpetuating rape as culturally acceptable regardless of its illegality—this being the reality.

A superficial analysis of rape culture would be rape culture is a culture of ignorance but the causes and effects of that ignorance are not so simple.

More than superficial analysis, this paper brings together relevant data and shows how rape has been rationalized as a privilege within the context of our economy—almost a rite of passage and increasingly so for American children.

With my personal narrative as footnote [not included in the pre-order publication] there is also my assessment of rape culture as a series of events which lead to my unlawful Eviction, homelessness and refugee status within the country of my birth—indeed the same locality where I was born in 1975.

So it is with holistic analysis, academic and personal, there are logical connections to be made regarding the problem of rape culture--the central concern, problem, of the American civilization.

That all said and since there might be disagreement on what rape is, I'll define it. Rape is an assault on another person and it is also the practice of those who promote slavery as was once abolished by the Civil War. This no exaggeration. Rape is not simply an assault.

It is the type of assault and abuse which would condition a person for slavery. It is arguably the worst type of physical assault, the most sadistic.

Rape of course is also defined as a crime but it is rarely prosecuted because of a rape culture which subordinates the courts, corrupting their operation.

Despite all want to disbelieve cultural prejudices can and do subvert the rule of law there is a long history of such subversion perhaps most notably regarding racial discrimination.i

The same wretchedness of racial prejudice, in US courts, also promotes and maintains a rape culture which politically overthrows the rule of law.

This is because rape culture is inherently prejudicial same as racism.

The paper does not delve into the corollary prejudice common to both rapists and racists, although another paper ought to be written comparing and contrasting a racist culture with a rape culture.

I hope this work might lead to more work on that subject as I believe they would prove to be the same culture: a rape culture is a racist culture, a racist culture is a rape culture. Still, I take no responsibility in this work, to prove that.

This paper will explain in detail how and why rape culture coincided with new levels of industrial chemical fallout, pollution, and our modern era.

It outlines a dual causality, one being environmental in the strict sense (how industrial pollution is causing neurological dysfunction among the population) and the other cause the ambitions of the ignorant promoting their ignorance as bliss—a lifestyle, commercial and criminal fraud.

It explores the evolving institution of slavery after the the second world war. How prisons, foster care and other systems do in-fact perpetuate a permanent underclass, herein considered.

It examines post war institutional slavery (more like than dislike pre Civil War slavery) as coinciding with the rape culture's establishment as mainstream culture.

Rape culture isn't a conspiracy, however, as many might like to believe. It is a complex set of conditions under which a notably progressive culture in Oregon, or humanist culture, gets supplanted by rape culture.

This work is supported by historical comparisons in light of science and logic because rape culture knows no ethnic boundary and can afflict any society.

It afflicts all the social classes. Rape culture harms everyone, even those promoting it ignorant of the ruin they inflict upon themselves being so similar to their victims: humiliation.

In historical context, rape is a crime against an individual and when a group of people are targeted for such humiliation by another group that is a crime against humanity, possibly also a war crime.

The American people, it will be explained, have targeted themselves for such humiliation and they do it to each other in large numbers.

Rape culture turns a society against itself and this is the real tragedy of American civilization, today.

Americans, not just in Oregon, actively dehumanize themselves and each other and to this point of fact this paper an objection.

Any and all people deserve a better culture to live in than one defined by rapists and maintained by ignorance. This paper focuses on the facts of rape culture with any and all narratives of rape victims a corollary consideration for the reader.

Such focus is for objectivity as the subject of rape almost always degenerates into moral relativism or he said/she said arguments when testimony is considered by itself. The endnote citations supporting literature to the points made herein.

My personal experiences, the footnotes, are given to benchmark the objective analysis with subjective experiences and to lend support to survivors such as with the #MeToo movement.

Culture too, it's definition as understood in this paper, means what a culture is in relationship to other and different cultures. Culture is the established normal behaviors in a society or the social norms.
I make no outlandish statement here, for definition of rape, culture and what those terms mean together. Likewise, its my assertion rape culture is a solvable problem once its properly understood.

A rape culture, then, is culture above or outside rule the law. Its devotees are a privileged and criminal class not to be confused with the social classes.

Anyone can be marginalized by rape so rape culture is also undermining the social classes as they might be established outside or foreign to a rape culture. This point should not be lost in the pages following.

It is the normalization of such distinctions being made by people in the same society: a rule of law with exceptions. So many people privileged to live above it and so many others oppressed by the unlawful privilege of the few.

Rape culture so understood is the status quo. Its establishment arguably cause for the popular opinion regarding moral corruption as the dominant social force in public and personal life: government, media, business, etc.ii

Any rape culture would so exist, anywhere. As such this culture is the consideration for ethical people if not their governments; but especially should concern their governments.

As a case study, its evident the State of Oregon has effectively de-criminalized rape and sexual harassment (especially against childreniii) by establishing extra judicial courts operating outside any and all reasonable standard.

These courts have expert witnesses who are both non scientific and insurance frauds for testimony, as will be shown. They have weak and more probably no constitutionality supporting their operation.

This evident reality for Oregon exists despite the laws which regard rape and sexual harassment as criminal. It exists because of forces within the society manifesting hypocrisy of the laws juxtaposed their prejudiced enforcement.

Disturbing as it must be to all with a moral conscious, the comparison between psychiatric experts in our courts and the mullahs of Sharia law or any religious court is both shameful and proper.

Human beings deserve a reasonable standard, a rational standard, for justice. This too, in large part, is the aim of this paper—to scientifically and commercially marginalize psychiatrists and psychologists, to marginalize our courts and law enforcement agencies to the point they must be reformed.

The mental health courts and religious courts are comparable as different types of extra-judicial, anti-science and cultural equivalence tests. They are both similar to each other as they are unlike what would otherwise be the rule of law by reasonable standard: rational and scientific standard.

Although rape cultures exist in nuanced forms around the world it is especially disturbing one exists in the same society claiming to abhor it. The USA was founded by violent revolution against theocracy and the totalitarianism associated with the irrational authority of monarchs and their royal families.

Rape culture is not the invention of the USA. It is almost certainly not an anomaly culture specific to Oregon. It is a condition the people are subjected to and deserve liberation from as they always have and will wherever rape culture might oppress them.

The hallmark of rape culture is how it's proponents make it difficult if not impossible to criminally prosecute rape and sex crimes in general.

They truly are organized criminals shielded by fraud and socially leveraged by a level of political populism necessarily corrupting our legal and other social systems.

These same proponents of ignorance are also responsible for the decline in public health and the systemic corruption in both private and public hemispheres of society.

This is more of an economic reality than might be realized in psychoanalysis. It is certainly the scientific reality: a society with rape culture lives in ignorance of it.

Rape culture, it will be proven, is grossly economic and grotesquely industrial. Rape is all but monopolized by the psychiatric, or mental healthcare profession.

Indeed, such professionals deal with the consequences of rape culture far more often than our courts, more than police, more than religious communities, etc.

Before the two main parts of the paper—cause and effect--I must again caveat I see no conspiratorial connection behind rape culutre. I see overwhelming evidence of the most profound ignorance which defines Oregonians and Americans. It brings me no joy to say this. This isn't an egotistical point, but the fact the people are so conditioned.

They, Americans, are not actively participating in the objective reality. Most of them certainly are not, as evidenced by the culture.

They are abjectly subjective, irrational, fundamental egotists and this is not merely their choice it is that and a set of conditions foisting the ignorance upon them.

We are the proverbial people with the blind leading the blind. Not all of us, however, are blind and so this paper my best effort to open the eyes of policy makers.

With deeper consideration of rape culture some level a conspiracy might exist to promote it, but my position is even if there are active conspiracies of rapists to maintain rape culture they are irrelevant if and when the miasmas of ignorance is lifted from the society at large.

If and when the population would realize their own culture for what it is the rapists would lose their leverage and so their conspiracy become impotent—if it exists at all.

If my analysis is mostly correct then the lack of conspiracy maintaining the status quo makes abolishing rape culture more likely.

The prima facie condition for a rape culture to take hold, then, is an ignorant population: irrational, anti-science and populist minded.
It is ignorance itself, the tolerance of it, which prepares the ground for a rape culture and it's corrupted institutions.

In all probability “we the people” in Oregon and the USA are far too ignorant for any conspiratorial manufacturing of rape culture. It is a product of our collective, or mean average, ignorance—if you can't beat them join them, go along to get along or to each their own being three examples of common wisdom which in fact define a common ignorance of humanity.

Ignorance, especially when driven to fight or flight, continues to exacerbate the problem of rape culture. The trauma associated with rape and being falsely accused of rape also and often catalysts for hysteria, rage, anxiety, etc.

The subversion of the rule of law in the State of Oregon and USA occurred because such was the momentum of civilization at the time of it's establishment. People were fundamentally ignorant at the time the country was founded and this has continued over the decades, more or less.

This history is evident, dating back to the founding of the State of Oregon by a confederacy of racist and incestuous (rapist) families organized by the Klu Klux Klan.iv

Indeed such was the founding of many if not most of the States in the USA. They were founded by rapists, proponents of rape culture and more often also racists than they were not.

The reality exists because of the original ignorance, that momentum like compound interest, producing the rape culture in question today.

Still, rape culture came to prominence within living memory. Whereas it was a sub culture before it became the dominant and mainstream culture in the USA after the second world war—dominant as the culture of authorities and populists. It is a tyranny of the masses and their ignorance.

More than making excuses or moral equivocations for the establishment of rape culture, this paper ought refute them. The objectivity of this analysis simply requires a robust historical, scientific and rational exploration of the circumstance.

There are different types of rape too, within rape culture, which need to be understood.

The nuanced differences as experienced by children, women and men living in the same rape culture are without question the evident facts soon to be explored.

To keep this exposition as succinct and accurate as possible I afford the following argument for rape culture in general: it is a culture dominated by rapists. We, as Oregonians and almost certainly as Americans live in a culture dominated by rapists. The rapists are real and they are in all social classes, religions, ethnic groups, etc.

They exist in abundance, approximately one quarter of the population or more, given the statistics. If one were to assume fewer rapists in our society, one would then have to then agree rape culture exists more as privilege than popular support. Either way, however, the rape culture exists as the dominant culture.

The motivation to participate in rape culture is to target other people to condition them for slavery, subservience and/or humiliation. As a culture it influences human behavior ina broad sense, not merely encouraging rapists but also diminishing the expectations of others for a more civilized society.
Not all people in the rape culture are as successful when it comes to driving others into bondage or diminishing another person's self worth to the point they will accept their constant humiliation and/or rape.

Most people settle for some degree of undue subservience,
humiliation or abuse. Many still find themselves in chains—their condition so similar to classic slavery, repeatedly raped while in institutional bondage or under court order.

e establishment, generational as it certainly is, has made for itself a historical record which has done exactly this: re-condition the American people for slavery by the establishment of rape culture.
This is absolutely what the post war establishment did in Oregon and throughout the United States. They qualified their culture as a rape culture.
It is the culture of baby boomers, inherited from their parents greatest generation.

Rape culture is so much like the ugly face of racism passing from generation to generation—the tolerance of it.
The generational aspect of our rape culture, stated and to be analyzed, is not an attempt to blame and shame the establishment or elders in society. It is the fact the elders are the champions of rape culture. It is their establishment.

Its simply the fact the rape culture was established as mainstream culture
within the time of a generation: 1947-today. It is no coincidence, then, how rapists often target children as they are all but powerless to resist—the most vulnerable group.

omen are targeted after children as they were more likely raped as children so their continued abuse further conditioning for their subservience, slavery.
Women are more often raped due to the “might makes right” mentality consistent with other mentalities which celebrate ignorance, misogyny.

When men are raped, its usually to indoctrinate them as rapists
within a State or Federal prison system: to manufacture career criminals.

This is indeed the legacy of the establishment generation, all of this their new normal, our contemporary America
and rape culture.

Its evident the rapists themselves are proud cowards: proud because they are a protected class of people and so protected by consensus tolerance of rape culture.

They are more than a single generation with some of the establishment generation having been all but martyred for going against peer consensus, their tolerance of rape culture.

This tolerance is without lawful cause, however, so this paper would and hopefully will start a fight with the establishment their moral ground as shaky as their legal grounding.

It, this paper, exposes the establishment as truly and severely neurologically disabled people. They, the American people, are intelligent but also maladroit.

That statement is no hyperbole. It is no fallacy. It is a statement of probable genetic fact pertaining to the establishment generation and Americans in general.

They are American families, rape tolerant families, more than rapists are individuals because individuals are weaker forces than the force of culture.

Culture is in comparison the stronger force of many people. This consideration is not to be extended such individuals bear no responsibility for their actions in a rational world but it must be made for objective analysis of the problem.

The rapists have simply capitulated to the rape culture—capitulation to the dominant members of society, their established rape culture.

Perhaps they feel they can't beat them so they should join them?

They, the rapists, are witnesses like we all are to a society protecting rapists and re-victimizing their victims. There is progress to be made in the abolition of rape culture when the victims and victimizers are considered together. They have a common culture.

They, people accepting-to-tolerant of rape culture are perhaps most typically those promoting a “dog eat dog” world view—a pathological notion of individualism which is also in all probability evidence of mental retardation: genetic brain disease.

Truly, a genetic brain diseases exists and according to neurology this disease an underlying dynamic to the spread of rape culture. Autism, the disease in question, is not intended to be a label for people to then be hated.

This paper explores rape culture in light of neurology and autism despite my assurance I will be persecuted by some for being the messenger of these truths.

When believing oneself to be more animal than not, or feeling more animal than human, the self fulfilling prophecy is likely. The plight of society, that much more doomed. Dogs, themselves, in nature are rapists as a matter of their social organization.

With so many people with the type of mentality outlined, rape culture is evidently popular.

The more abstract nature of rape culture now better understood, reflection on the statistics are most revealing.

The following citations are especially illustrative of how the three most common yet different types of rape exist in the USA: rape of children, women and men.

Studies by David Finkelhor, Director of the Crimes Against Children Research Center show that:
  • 1 in 5 girls and 1 in 20 boys is a victim of child sexual abuse;
  • Self-report studies show that 20% of adult females and 5-10% of adult males recall a childhood sexual assault or sexual abuse incident;
  • During a one-year period in the U.S., 16% of youth ages 14 to 17 had been sexually victimized;
  • Over the course of their lifetime, 28% of U.S. youth ages 14 to 17 had been sexually victimized;
  • Children are most vulnerable to CSA between the ages of 7 and 13.v

The statistics are high enough—so many children being raped in the USA—its baffling how rape culture hasn't already been addressed as an existential threat to freedom itself.

Our children compare to the children of Afghanistan for the abuses against Our statistics, however, for US children cannot claim such high rates of abuse because they are also orphans of War.

American children are exploited for the industrial economy which goes to war in foreign countries spreading its rape culture there, abroad, as it maintains its native rape culture with its law enforcement at home.

Indeed, its American children who are being bred for slavery and warfare given the irrefutable history of both domestic and foreign policy of the USA: voluntary co-colonialists in WWI, eclipsing the fascism of the Axis powers in WWII.

Want to call these assertions political, is intellectual cowardice. They are not political statements they are statements of historical fact, as will be proven scientifically and logically.

The historical consideration asked for in this introduction are omitted in the two parts of the paper--cause and effect—and in the conclusion taken up again, reflecting on the facts of those two parts.

There is a rape culture and it is America's perhaps more so than any other civilization's on this planet. It can and ought be abolished such the US might be culturally re-constituted as a culture other than rape culture.

The appendixes too are reflexive to the points proven in the two parts. The social body as it has been referred to in the political philosophy, perhaps more commonly understood as sociology, is also at a point of reflex action. This is my belief, more faith than evidence based.

Americans are ready for cardinal change to their society, culture and to re-order the establishment.

This consideration is an aside to the jurisprudence of America's morally degenerate, irrational jury, legal system which is the most resistant force to my perceived will of the people for beyond radical change.

The legal system, perhaps also a system for sociologists to consider, is a set of factually incorrect and prejudicial judgments rendered correct as they have been bundled together to sell verdicts favorable to rape culture.
The jurisprudence of US courts is the jurisprudence of prejudice, extra judicial subversion of the courts by politics—this being more the case after every intellectual and morally bankrupted trial held by the US legal system.

In the USA, which has historically treated children as all but owned as property by their parents its no surprising to see pandemic child abuse and rape culture.vii

Property rights too, historically and as jurisprudence, have been held in higher regard than the rights of people.viii Whereas human rights trump property rights in theory, in praxis its quite a different story. One need only compare the rights respected by the Courts, for the rich to those for the poor. The plight of American children, then, is not for the courts to remedy.

With so many children so conditioned by rape, those who aren't are still conditioned by rape culture as they have common culture with more than roughly a quarter of the US population being raped every year.

It is at least a quarter of the US population being victimized, annually, and almost certainly a much higher rate of victimization in Oregon.

This condition, as will be proven, has a real level of social organization maintaining the rape culture. It is all but a conspiracy and would be if not for the gross ignorance of the people.

I suggest no plausible dependability for government officials, officials in healthcare, officials in education. They aren't stupid. They know, they have accepted and they tolerate rape culture if not promote it.

Still, it is the common ignorance, anti-intellectualism, on all levels of American society including the universities making it possible for some to concede to rape culture.

Without comparing and contrasting the laws themselves, the reasonable expectation is the laws of Oregon are all but identical to other States regarding rape—that rape is both a crime and punishable by degrees.

The role of the courts is very much the exploration of this paper as the consideration of Oregon for case study. It does not pretend, however, to be the treatise of a lawyer.

The subversion of the courts by rape culture is also the same in nature in all States as the three dominant types of rape is the establishment of a social hierarchy, or privilege to rape: children, women and men.

The rape culture subverts the courts by politically arranging them as said categories: children, women and men.

To remove all doubt there is in fact a culture of rape, a rape culture, in the USA there are many in the psychiatric profession who want to de-crminalize child rape and re-classify the act as a mental illness as if the crime were less of a crime and more a condition.

This despite no scientific evidence supporting the theory in favor of a pedophilia exclusion.

Removing the pedophilia exclusion would not undermine criminal justice or its role in responding to child abuse. It would not make it easier, for example, for someone accused of child molestation to plead not guilty by reason of insanity.ix

What could be more evident of a culture tolerant of rape than people with a politically and economically dominant role in the society wanting to redefine rape, especially child rape, as something other than a crime?

A rational person can't agree with the psychiatrists promoting a pedophilia exclusion, they can't even agree with psychiatry as more than insurance fraud. It will be proven in this paper as it always has been provable this is what psychiatry truly is.

Today, the pedophilia exclusion more or less exists and it is popular among the privileged: medical doctors, lawyers, judges and police demonstrating such bias.

Rape culture is the context for this bias, the privilege to the extent they would be championed by insurance frauds as less than criminals.

In the NY Times article, specifically, the pedophilia exclusion is the idea people diagnosed as pedophiles would be excluded from criminal punishment because of a prevailing mental health issue being the cause of the crime.

Similar arguments, although less common, speak to the DNA of murderers with the warrior or the MAOA gene.x

Psychiatry, the agency of rape culture, is at work to perpetuate a rigid prejudice born out of ignorance and an intellectually disabled understanding of neurology.

They do not settle for the facts of neurology, they want for irrational extensions of the facts—that murderers are not murderers if they are and also genetically predisposed to murder.

They maintain equity in justice means privilege for some and oppression for others. Their appeals are those of extra judicial prejudice, literal ministers of American rape culture in our courts and social services.

To a lesser extent, the criminal punishment would be marginalized by the argument for a pedophilia exclusion—for a judge to believe pedophilia is a mental disorder much like demonic spirit possession so the rapist not fully responsible and deserving lesser punishment.

Irrational and political dynamics of different groups of people, not only the mental health and legal industries, collaborate in contempt for rational law and favor of their populism and rape culture.

Anyone with Internet access can find websites devoted to making child rape legal (no longer legally considered rape) or the distribution of what is called child pornography but in fact is almost always rape—so documented to promote the re-normalization of the rape culture. They make such visual documents to market rape culture.

Our times are comparable for different times in which the same rape culture has existed, before the second world war in Germany and in all probability whenever a people have become an empire then so too their culture is ripe for the rapist.

There was perhaps a period of time between our own in America and the time following the Civil War when slavery was abolished along with it's rape culture; but in all probability the USA has never been free from it's rape culture in the entire time it has existed as a nation.

Rape culture has existed from the colonial beginnings. Perhaps US history is one wherein rape culture is transient for how it dominates or comes and goes from prominence? This consideration is left to historians.

Today, as it was when slavery was both the extension of rape culture and when it was legal to own slaves, the exploits of rapists and their excuses from punishment were excuses of privilege and prejudice. Little has changed. Slavery is no longer legal, but it's rape culture remains and has for decades now been dominant.

There are so many victims of rapists as there are also too many false reports of rape for the reality to be otherwise.xi The statistics must be as revealing as their causes.

Rape and sex crimes operate almost as a circus sideshow to what is otherwise marketed as the land of opportunity and liberty, of freedom and bravery: the USA.xii

I posit these crimes against humanity are sensationalized in the media as sure as they are subject to extra judicial treatment. They are treated more as scandal than they are treated as a crime against humanity.

How else can US culture be understood when people commonly refer to child pornography as if it were not rape and rather sex work, as if it were pornography? It can only be so because they are mentally conditioned by rape culture, indoctrinated.

This indoctrination is, as said, done by mental health professionals but more than their conspiracy they are conjunct, co-causal, with what can be understood by environmental science—the pollution afflicting the brains of people also being miss lead by the anti-science populism of mental health.

The courts and law enforcement are both informed by, and take expert direction from, mental health practitioners and the Oregon Health Plan has for years paid mental health costs for the millions of people who would have otherwise been uninsured.

In Multnomah County, Oregon the mental health establishment is very much part of the established government and complicit in the re-ordering of what would otherwise be a rational society with legitimate rule of law.

It is not the intention of this paper,
however, to vilify public health workers although it will be clear they the group most in need of cardinal reform.

So, then, what is mental health? Who are these over-arching authorities and why are they maintaining the established rape culture: want to de-criminalize or marginalize the crime of child rape, want to call child rape instead child pornography, etc.?

Whereas mental health was once something celebrated about Oregon in 1993 by then Governor, John Khitzhaber, the fact is the OHP co-produced the most mentally ill population in the United States of America.

Oregon has the worst mental illness rate in the country, according to a recent study.xiii

Is there a connection between these mental illness rates and Oregon's Foster Care crisis?xiv Can such a connection explain the epidemic child exploitation? Is it accurate to describe rape culture as a mentally ill population?

The answers are yes and no. The connection between mental illness and rape is insurance fraud, ignorance the common denominator of the layman and expert.

Insurance fraud the modus operandi by which rape culture divides a court against itself establishing to the extent possible a political arrangement and extra judicial process or review by non scientific experts on the motivations, intentions, and characters of other people.

To a lesser extent only because of their dependence on mental health, family courts and domestic violence courts have been established as extra judicial courts: prejudiced courts.

This is why the number of children in Foster Care increased after the Oregon Health Plan became law.

More people were then caught up by insurance frauds, the fraud of mental healthcare within the greater healthcare system being the pre existing condition of the industry rarely spoken of.
Much more exposition on the strictly scientific and rational analysis of mental health as insurance fraud is in the fist part of this paper.
The process of psychoanalysis is always a casting of mythological aspersions, character profiles with the assumption of expert characters being those doing the profiling. Assumed expert people, or a caste of psychics, Brahmans, psychoanalysts in an unconstitutional judiciary—its everyday operations being cruel and unusual punishments or a failure of justice.

Even when women are the majority of the Voting age population, as they are in the USA,
they continue to be marginalized by a rape culture.

Sexual Assault in the United States

  • One in five women and one in 71 men will be raped at some point in their lives
  • In the U.S., one in three women and one in six men experienced some form of contact sexual violence in their lifetime
  • 51.1% of female victims of rape reported being raped by an intimate partner and 40.8% by an acquaintance
  • 52.4% of male victims report being raped by an acquaintance and 15.1% by a stranger.
  • .Almost half (49.5%) of multiracial women and over 45% of American Indian/Alaska Native women were subjected to some form of contact sexual violence in their lifetime
  • 91% of victims of rape and sexual assault are female, and nine percent are male
  • In eight out of 10 cases of rape, the victim knew the perpetrator
  • Eight percent of rapes occur while the victim is at workxv

What is equally untenable a situation to the plight of women oppressed by rape culture is the strong possibility there are more men raped in the USA than women. This is because of rape culture in the penal system.xvi

The percentage of men in prison, compared to women, is 93% to 7%,xvii and there are more people in prison in the USA than in all other nations, combined.xviii

Mental health data of the prison population, comparable to the rape statistics.

In a mental health crisis, people are more likely to encounter police than get medical help. As a result, 2 million people with mental illness are booked into jails each year. Nearly 15% of men and 30% of women booked into jails have a serious mental health condition.xix

The history of mental health in the United States began in the prisons, while Oregon had its beginning expansion of what is today called mental health services when Dr. Hawthorne arrived in Portland, Oregon.xx

Today, the legacy of their insurance fraud—well intended as any religious authority may be when also in contempt of a secular court—continues with comparable statistics: mental health care and rape statistics reflecting comparable percentages of the population.

About 26% of the inmates were diagnosed with a mental health condition at some point during their lifetime, and a very small proportion (18%) were taking medication for their condition(s) on admission to prison.

In prison, more than 50% of those who were medicated for mental health conditions at admission did not receive pharmacotherapy in prison. Inmates with schizophrenia were most likely to receive pharmacotherapy compared with those presenting with less overt conditions (e.g., depression). This lack of treatment continuity is partially attributable to screening procedures that do not result in treatment by a medical professional in prison.xxi

These statistics of rape victims and prison inmates on pharmacotherapy are comparable with small margin of disparity between them, statistically.

The reader ought compare the statistics in the introduction in light of this superficial analysis and realize the probability our courts are co-manufacturing rapists because of the prejudice shielding the proponents of insurance fraud, rape culture, are real.

Rape has been made a privilege of those associated with the judiciary and healthcare professionals who would and usually do operate on strict prejudice: their very real and common intellectual disability a matter of scientific fact, as will be proven.

Could the systemic corruption result from a polluted environment and it's rape culture?

We are, in the USA, a force of entropy upon other civilizations and this does not have to be the fact of US leadership. It is simply the fact of the establishment generation's leadership.

A new generation ought have a new conversation about rape and it's culture. It is time for neurologists to abolish psychiatrists as expert witnesses. Why?

There are no mental illnesses, there are genetic brain diseases, heavy metal pollution of the brain and other conditions of a neurological nature which the pharmacotherapy industry masks by insurance fraud and so promotes disease among the population.

Individual practitioners may or may not be aware of what they are actually doing; but the reality is still objective.

Genetic brain diseases, real neurological conditions exist and according to the best neurologists these conditions are common and caused by our current environment, our economy.

Its a culture built on fossil fuels and their use, the spreading heavy metal and other pollution causing cancer and brain diseases.

It is perhaps impossible to underscore enough the reality of dual causality for rape culture.

It is the organization of insurance frauds in a polluted environment which diminishes the capacity of the human brain for most who live in it.

On one hand it is caused by the mental health industry--it's psychoanalysis mere political prejudice--and on the other hand the population at large is literally losing it's capacity for human decency as more individuals are afflicted by brain diseases caused by heavy metal pollution.

They, we, are “desensitized” as the neural pathways in the frontal cortex shut down from the pollution and trauma associated with our culture.

Truly, the evidence of this dual causality is as irrefutable as it is disturbing—proof of wholesale ignorance among the US population.

So it is I've prepared this introduction to this work with a spirit I found when reading Wretched of the Earthxxii Lacking a forward from Jean Paul Sartre, I ask the reader to be brave enough to read this paper.


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Paper coke may be a new or reinvented technology for a charcoal burning, gasified, electric turbine boiler. I have been given a contact interested in renewable power, off grid, tiny home developments by Comissioner Mapps, his staff. I have reached out to my acquaintance enthusiast about integrated renewable power systems, Matt Cash President of the Professional Engineers of Oregon, so maybe university contacts soon. I've shared with Pallet Shelter a long business letter regarding what patents they might claim on a paper coke generator, to help power their village models. I'm meeting with people at Street Roots to check to see if their is agreement on a tiny ecologically sound home village model this week. I've been approved to sell bulk subscriptions of the paper to government and non government organizations. I should have never been Evicted. Autistic people are a menace to society and psychiatry is tyranny by the mentally retarded. Despite real solutions to real ecologica

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Oregon is an Evil State

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