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Showing posts from 2019

Plague Autism

I believe 85% of the local population--people in and around Portland--are in the autism spectrum although the vast majority of those people high functioning, what used to be called by the DSM Asperger's Syndrome. I explain the difference between my experiences with people who lead me to believe the percentage is so high, and what statistics there are suggesting a far lower percentage of people in the autism spectrum, for mental illness being the commercial fraud to conceal the ill effects of industrial pollution: the original cause of autism. This was proved by the Shanghai Study, and has not been refuted in medical literature--that urban smog dramatically increased the chances of a fetus developing into an autistic child, as the women of Shanghai were studied when pregnant and this was the finding. What was proved I then logically infer, in light of the obvious fraud mental healthcare is using non scientific terms, prejudicial terms to manufacture a narrative. The incessant

Sexual Violence

I am resolved, still, to finish a manuscript edited by myself well enough to become published by a publisher other than myself. Rape Culture: the American nightmare  proves to be one of the great challenges of my life. I have always felt and experienced life as a writer, but never before cared to be published by someone else. The reality of sexual violence in Oregon and the USA is palpable to historical for its prevalence. Twice since my last post, I've been sexually assaulted and reported it. I had to report it the second time to get shelter management to move my bunk assignment as I was being assaulted by the person next to me. Another time I was sexually assaulted and did not report it because the man was a heroin user and sex addict who also probably would not have been kicked out of the shelter. The reality is, in Oregon, sexual violence which includes harassment and assault is allowed by Oregonians. Its a reasonable accommodation for those claiming to be homosexual, bisex


I was robbed again at the shelter. I believe I know who has been robbing me and instead of giving me any amount of time or concern, help to recover my property immediately after I returned from the restroom, the staff member enjoyed my misfortune. Three times now, this same staff member says my stalkers of 20 years, who have stolen my ID and used my name and pictures to harass others, only to then false report me as a stalker and bully have the right to do that. This guy is a complete moron, like the young guy who is a participant who continues to rip me off and justifying it by saying the hate blogs about me are the truth. The staff member really shouldn't be employed. I'm so upset about it, got so upset knowing I'm powerless to do more than continue to be robbed and defamed with no help even after 20 years from law enforcement who are basically complete morons, reverse psychologists, who only profile never investigate. Its not just the stolen winter jacket, my phone

Cyber Crime

The board of directors for CyberHawk continues to grow. We have established a bank account, secured our domain and continue to build the website. My domestic violence advocate and I plan to meet with police regarding the psychotic obsessions of a group of Internet hooligans/terrorists dubbed the Twitter Trolls by a criminal investigator in Eugene, Oregon. This will probably happen in the middle of December. The stalking and cyberstalking continues. The defamation of my character is the obsession of those involved--no other way to explain over 20 years of non stop electronic harassment. I believe Morgan Ingram committed suicide because the same people who have been stalking me were stalking her. They impersonate law enforcement on the telephone, having done so to my past employers. They are religiously devoted to discovering with whom I have had personal interactions with

Hoping for Hope

I have successfully completed the interview process with HUD and BOLI intake specialists, regarding my claim of discrimination against NW Housing Alternatives and my Eviction from the Hawthorne East Apartments. Again, NW Housing Alternatives grants reasonable accommodation to mostly men who commit sexual assaults and harassment against other tenants, claiming both the predator and victim are mentally ill. The police do not investigate. DHS protective services does not investigate even when seven victims who speak openly about it to each other and others. In Oregon, autistic sexuality (what I think it is) is better understood as a rape culture. This is what HUD and BOLI are investigating all my documentation with the police, etc. Also, my medical doctor and psychologist all but told me to my face medical malpractice and legal malpractice has been occurring to me for quite some time. Again, this has occurred because autistic people have been allowed to serve when they are morally inc

Random Acts of Kindness

A patron of Street Roots, Bee, donated $100 to CyberHawk. Hopefully Jeff, Megan and I file the 501c3 paperwork this month. Regardless, the $100 I need for State of Oregon fees is taken care of and not commingled with my personal finances. Thank you Bea for CyberHawk's first $100, the moral support, insights regarding the subject of my book, political discussions and ongoing patronage this last year! I hope to rewrite the 20+ pages I lost to vandalism-sabotage this weekend.

My New Cause: CyberHawk

Bad news first, I lost 20 pages more than I had realized, on my laptop. I do not have a home nor regular Internet connection. What I thought I had backed up, leeching off WiFi signal near the shelter, was not backed up. My laptop was totally destroyed as mentioned in Update #11. Thanks to Marcus, a patron of Street Roots, I'll be able to rewrite the second section of the Effects of Rape Culture. The first part I'll post later, its revisions. Its very upsetting to me the man who destroyed my laptop is allowed to do such things because he is a military veteran. It was the same with Ray (who was white) who threw a 70 year old woman against a wall at the Hawthorne East apartments, seriously injuring her. He was a Veteran so he was allowed to get away with assault, shake downs, narcotics, human trafficking for sex work. I was Evicted for refusing to look at him as if he were more than a pile of shit. In America, we give too much respect to Veterans--especially since, other than

Race Does Not Exist

When I was volunteering for Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign, I spent what little disposable income I had to design shirts like this, variety of monochrome and other color combinations. Last night my laptop with my manuscript for Rape Culture: the American nightmare  was destroyed by vandalism, by people who told me to my face and threw chairs around the homeless shelter that my shirt was an offense to racists who fought and died for the US military. The senior citizen in a wheelchair is also a military Veteran and black. His behavior is hateful and yet more people at the shelter sympathize with him after his gossip and tantrum throwing. I am not scared, but the reality is some people religiously believe in race and therefore are racists. Some of them are openly hostile to me when I wear this shirt. My laptop was destroyed, water was thrown on my clothing and bunk, I was asked to leave for two nights and did, because even though the guy is factually and morally INCORRECT,

Congresswoman Alissa Keny-Guyer

My job at Street Roots is meaningful. I don't do it for the money so much as its what I want to do: talk to people from the far left perspective. The Portland Street Response pilot project conceived of by Street Roots and being designed by Commissioner Hardesty's team is a $500,000.00 project and I turned in my survey for design advice, already. Street Roots Portland Street Response Survey Results I made the cover of the report by Portland State University with Congresswoman Alissa Keny-Guyer from Portland, Oregon and the anonymous person we surveyed, who had been a victim of sexual violence--the subject of my manuscript for a book and this blog. If any of you have Facebook, KGW-8 broadcast live on their FB channel Mayor Wheeler, Commissioner Hardesty, Multnomah County Chair Deborah Kafoury, Multnomah County Commissioner Susheela Jayapal where I gave the closing statement on the survey. KGW-TV 8 Facebook The Oregonian I continue to survive on an averaging


Much work has been accomplished finishing the manuscript since the last update. I am not posting that material yet, however, because its not ready. I have a lot of PTSD in my writing, so to speak, and its a process of more than editing cleaning up the language and logic. It is coming soon, however, the complete manuscript.

Author and Journalist Chris Hedges

My understanding is I have most of 60 days remaining with and this service is valuable to me only so I obtain the contact information for publishers already publishing human rights literature, among other types similar to my causes for writing Rape Culture: the American nightmare . That is more than enough time as there are not many publishers. Here is a photo of me at Street Roots with Chris Hedges, Pulitzer Prize winner, journalist and author. I don't have a beard and am standing behind him. Maybe his publisher would be interested in publishing my book. I'm citing Chris's latest book America: The Farewell Tour , in the Effects of Rape Culture part of my book--currently listening to him on You Tube because I don't have time to read the book, nor energy. I certainly have more than enough time to find a short list of possible publishers and I do not believe it will take me more than the rest of this month to publ

Fighting the Good Fight

I continue to work on finishing the manuscript for Rape Culture: the American nightmare this weekend. I have been more optimistic than able, as I expected to have finished the manuscript by now. Being homeless and destitute with only the Oregon Trail card and little money from patrons of Street Roots is made easier by the shelter I'm staying at; but still no quality sleep, lots of stress and physical activity just to meet my basic needs.  I am tired and under resourced. So, this weekend I expect to finish what I had hoped to last weekend which is the part on the effects of rape culture. I had lunch with my most generous patron, Jeff, yesterday. We have tentatively agreed to start up a non profit organization called CyberHawk so everyone is more aware of how to safely operate their own Internet/WiFi network. I need no more than $10,000.00 and all fees and costs for the non profit would be paid with a small operating budget to partner with the Ad Council. Jeff is a network

Portland Street Response

Most of part two, the effects of rape culture, is now published. I am still working on the detailed historical progression of the increasing problem of rape culture, for this part. In all it looks like it will be another 40+ pages in the courier font 12 point, single spaced. I've been looking at Publisher's Marketplace today as my account was activated this afternoon. Thank you Braden, for this gift! I believe I will complete part two, later tonight but I won't have Internet access as I'm still staying at a homeless shelter. So, to keep my word I wanted to publish what I have today which also is the anniversary of my Eviction from the Hawthorne East Apartments for blowing the proverbial whistle on a sexual assault club which continues to operate at the pleasure of NW Housing Alternatives. Also, there is continued interest among some in Portland regarding my CyberHawk program which is really a public safety campaign for WiFi network administrators. If they were to opera

The Effects of Rape Culture

The Effects of Rape Culture in the USA The total effects of rape culture are beyond the scope of this book. This part addresses the major effects of what is the systemic failure of American society. Simply put American society is a failure because it is defined by its culture, a rape culture. So qualified there are numerous and profound effects and nuance results. The dual causality already evidenced, there is the possibility of other causalities not addressed here and so too other effects. What is addressed in this part are the effects caused by the fraud that is the mental healthcare industry conjunct the catastrophe of environmental pollution which the fraud masks—a mental healthcare industry miss leading science, industry and the species regarding the peril of industrial chemical fallout (ICF). ICF, conceptually speaking as no such official index exists, is not compatible with the DSM, diagnosis and statistical manual. Brain disease, is not diagnosed nor treated even when it is kno