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Showing posts from December, 2019

Plague Autism

I believe 85% of the local population--people in and around Portland--are in the autism spectrum although the vast majority of those people high functioning, what used to be called by the DSM Asperger's Syndrome. I explain the difference between my experiences with people who lead me to believe the percentage is so high, and what statistics there are suggesting a far lower percentage of people in the autism spectrum, for mental illness being the commercial fraud to conceal the ill effects of industrial pollution: the original cause of autism. This was proved by the Shanghai Study, and has not been refuted in medical literature--that urban smog dramatically increased the chances of a fetus developing into an autistic child, as the women of Shanghai were studied when pregnant and this was the finding. What was proved I then logically infer, in light of the obvious fraud mental healthcare is using non scientific terms, prejudicial terms to manufacture a narrative. The incessant

Sexual Violence

I am resolved, still, to finish a manuscript edited by myself well enough to become published by a publisher other than myself. Rape Culture: the American nightmare  proves to be one of the great challenges of my life. I have always felt and experienced life as a writer, but never before cared to be published by someone else. The reality of sexual violence in Oregon and the USA is palpable to historical for its prevalence. Twice since my last post, I've been sexually assaulted and reported it. I had to report it the second time to get shelter management to move my bunk assignment as I was being assaulted by the person next to me. Another time I was sexually assaulted and did not report it because the man was a heroin user and sex addict who also probably would not have been kicked out of the shelter. The reality is, in Oregon, sexual violence which includes harassment and assault is allowed by Oregonians. Its a reasonable accommodation for those claiming to be homosexual, bisex


I was robbed again at the shelter. I believe I know who has been robbing me and instead of giving me any amount of time or concern, help to recover my property immediately after I returned from the restroom, the staff member enjoyed my misfortune. Three times now, this same staff member says my stalkers of 20 years, who have stolen my ID and used my name and pictures to harass others, only to then false report me as a stalker and bully have the right to do that. This guy is a complete moron, like the young guy who is a participant who continues to rip me off and justifying it by saying the hate blogs about me are the truth. The staff member really shouldn't be employed. I'm so upset about it, got so upset knowing I'm powerless to do more than continue to be robbed and defamed with no help even after 20 years from law enforcement who are basically complete morons, reverse psychologists, who only profile never investigate. Its not just the stolen winter jacket, my phone

Cyber Crime

The board of directors for CyberHawk continues to grow. We have established a bank account, secured our domain and continue to build the website. My domestic violence advocate and I plan to meet with police regarding the psychotic obsessions of a group of Internet hooligans/terrorists dubbed the Twitter Trolls by a criminal investigator in Eugene, Oregon. This will probably happen in the middle of December. The stalking and cyberstalking continues. The defamation of my character is the obsession of those involved--no other way to explain over 20 years of non stop electronic harassment. I believe Morgan Ingram committed suicide because the same people who have been stalking me were stalking her. They impersonate law enforcement on the telephone, having done so to my past employers. They are religiously devoted to discovering with whom I have had personal interactions with