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Showing posts from January, 2021

My Homelessness Appears to be Coming to an End on the Planet of the Primates

I have been homeless since being Evicted by Sean Ferrell, a total sociopath, liar and fraud who landed a job he was not qualified for because he befriended Julia Doty at NW Housing Alternatives. She is a well intended, autistic woman. She profiles people and as long as you are nice to her she thinks you're a nice person. Seven women, several other tenants and myself were upset because sexual assaults and harassment had been going on in her Hawthorne East building for at least four years before I moved in. While I was there I witnessed the injuries and saw the police talking about the surveillance video which captured a tenant named Ray assaulting a tenant named Lisa. Lisa was mildly bloodied and bruised as she showed me her injuries the next day. So, when I became upset about that, the fact I was upset meant (in Julia's autistic mind) I was not a nice person. It didn't matter to Julia how Lisa was treated, it really didn't to her autistic brain. All that matters to Juli

The Tyranny of the Mentally Ill (democrats)--more so genetically brain diseased people in denial with psychiatric drugs.

26% of Americans over the age of 18 are diagnosed with a mental disorder. Diagnosis is non scientific, arbitrary and peer review psychology--sometimes psychiatry. I suggest over 60% of Americans are intellectually disabled: low IQ, emotionally insensitive/lack empathy, believe in different races of people and so believe the Earth is flat, think some people deserve to be raped and/or abused as they would believe the Sun revolves around the Earth. The majority in the USA, isn't a political party. The majority in the USA is neurologically disabled, halfwits, imbeciles, educated morons. I had to share this post because I spoke with many medical malpractice attorneys today, given how few there are in Portland. The more I talk to attorneys the more I'm convinced the jury system we have is really an imbecile system where people either can't tell the difference between right and wrong because they are feeble-minded at the genetic level or they are told by judges they can't use

This Blog is, in Part, About Books I Studied Before I Finish my Own Book Manuscript

I got a lot of writing done on the book by Chris Hedges today. This is a post I've made to point your attention back to my post on America: The Farewell Tour . It's also to remind readers there are very important books by living authors, not very many people are reading and if they did they would understand what I do, in my writing on what rape culture is, why it exists and how it is perpetuated. If you want to wait until I'm done with the entire post, scroll to the bottom and once the word "UNFINISHED" is removed, that post will be done. I cannot deny all the evidence I've gone through, the years of research and deep, sober thinking I've done on the subject of my book. Although I became an alcoholic after becoming homeless, I remained functional and was never drunk for more than several hours at a time with several more hours of sobriety between my drinking binges. I've spoke with my doctor about it and have taken steps to insure my continued, constan

I'm An Alcoholic

I've been joking myself for too long, about alcohol. I don't believe it is a disease, but I can no longer deny I abuse myself with alcohol and cannot control my drinking except to stop drinking entirely and for the rest of my life. Since becoming homeless, I have drank so many gallons of whiskey its kind of incredible. I honestly don't know how many gallons of whiskey I've consumed in the last two plus years because its been so many I lost count. I've always known I have problems, sometimes, when I drink but its not until today I realize there is nothing positive about drinking. I have always used alcohol to feel better and I'm in a lot of pain, all the time. The alcohol doesn't really make me feel better, it allows me to fool myself into thinking it makes me feel better. The physical pain that is always in my scrotum ever since Dr. Gilbert Klemmann did his hack job vasectomy on me is low grade pain and constant. If I exert myself for several hours, it begin

Thank You Readers of This Blog

Thank you everyone who has read this blog with thoughtful consideration. So far no one has commented on a single post, and all comments have to be approved by me before they would appear. This is consistent with my life experience in person as when I talk about the things I'm addressing in my book with other people, or about my experiences being homeless or how I became homeless, everyone is speechless. Even people who take offense over how I speak the truth about racism being the belief in different races of people or how autism is a genetic brain disease which robs people of their empathy for others, they never say they disagree to my face and I only find out because they complain about it to someone else--such as a staff worker at a shelter. This is because I'm factually correct and they know it but still hope to work some political angle to punish me for not being a moron like the vast majority of Americans are on the questions of race and mental health. This morning I'

America: The Farewell Tour

Hedges divides his book into seven chapters, each of which I'll review here. It was this book which helped me get back to working on my own, after approaching a level of hopelessness compelling me to give up. Hedges is hopeless about America's future too, although he presses on telling the truth as best he can and suggesting an economic collapse of the USA is inevitable and that is the best case scenario as Civil War or another World War are alternative futures--this much he's said in his many speeches on YouTube.  His chapter "Decay," is brilliant drawing upon some of the political philosophers who game me my own ambition to be a thinker. I have a lot to say about what he says in this chapter and I'm more than a little is critical of Hedges as I think he, brilliant as he is (one of the greatest minds for social and political analysts), he suffers from a generational blindness and doesn't fully understand the problems facing American democracy. He seems to