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Showing posts from June, 2020

Evans & Evans

My social security disability attorney tried to take my case to the Supreme Court of the United States, twice, and was prevented from doing so by Judges in the 9th circuit.  I will not file a new claim. Medical malpractice defines the healthcare system in the USA--and that includes institutional racism as a specific type of medical malpractice.  Our universities in the USA are truly paper mills, all of them, which has produced a "revenge of the nerds" which is more accurately the rape culture of autism spectrum families--with high IQs and no dignity.  I will have to live the rest of my life with chronic, life threatening, nerve pain following medical malpractice during my vasectomy. It didn't matter to the doctors, this was done to me. I think it actually made psychologists "happy" I was so injured so they could torture me with their inane, mentally retarded, "education" and so mislead me to cover up for the moral degenerates who are autistic who are a


I only worked 40 hours as a gatekeeper for the C3P0 camps, because the DMV was closed and I had lost my ID before I was hired. Soon I'll have my ID replaced and I've already talked about going back to work at the C3P0 camps, but in a new capacity as liaison--a/the person to go between the three camps, people of color, LGBTQ and blended and discover what changes the respective camps have made and of those which might become the preference for all the camps.  I've drafted a petition too, to go with a motion and affidavit for circuit court. I continue to work on it and hope to circulate it at the C3P0 camps regardless of whether or not I return as an employee. It asks for a protective order for people identified as persecuted, so changing their legal status from homeless, houseless, transient, indigent which are all criminal classifications by default--then domestic refugee, so a protected class with entitlements. We have a lot of domestic refugees we call homeless people and