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I only worked 40 hours as a gatekeeper for the C3P0 camps, because the DMV was closed and I had lost my ID before I was hired.

Soon I'll have my ID replaced and I've already talked about going back to work at the C3P0 camps, but in a new capacity as liaison--a/the person to go between the three camps, people of color, LGBTQ and blended and discover what changes the respective camps have made and of those which might become the preference for all the camps. 

I've drafted a petition too, to go with a motion and affidavit for circuit court. I continue to work on it and hope to circulate it at the C3P0 camps regardless of whether or not I return as an employee. It asks for a protective order for people identified as persecuted, so changing their legal status from homeless, houseless, transient, indigent which are all criminal classifications by default--then domestic refugee, so a protected class with entitlements.

We have a lot of domestic refugees we call homeless people and like myself they are ruthlessly persecuted by other people. After last being assaulted, my dislocated shoulder is still healing and the concussion I received was worse than I had first realized as I now have dizziness when I cough.

I've probably smoked my last pack of cigarettes because of that and I've got a vape pen with THC now, instead of smoking flower. My drinking, responsible but I ought to be employed at a high level instead--again the bigots and stalkers who have slandered me ruining any chance at a career I deserve. Being homeless and routinely denied justice, drinking isn't any solution to my problems but its one of the safest ways I can manage the constant frustration--problems I can't help like stopping the people who persecute myself and others. 

So many Americans are people I honestly wish were dead, complete monsters who should not be considered equals and people with a Vote because they are too mean and stupid. 

I'm happy about the riots and peaceful protests after the murder of George Floyd. The African American/black community does so much for America reminding us of the terrible racism is and how it must end, humanity won't be silent forever about the racist monsters allowed to share in our communities--which I think exists to mask what is truly a culture of rape. The racism masks the rapists.

As in parts of my book I still hope to finish, published here months ago, I believe racism is the excuse for rape. We talk about racism even though race doesn't exist in the physical sense, only as a concept, and we don't talk about all the rape and systemic abuse of power which follows from a culture so tolerant of rape.

The races, as described by the racists who believe in different races of people (going too far with the idea of tribes, clans, ethnic groups), also talk about how different races shouldn't mix, sexually reproduce. So its not a coincidence and I really must finish my book which in part describes the connection between racism and a rape culture.

Its possible I'll finish it although I have diminished hope. Now with dizzy spells and still with no replacement laptop to write on because of the COVID shutdown, I expect to die in the streets before I finish it. 

I'm not saying that to be dramatic, but the USA is truly fucked up with a lot of people absolutely as evil as the Nazis of Hitler's Germany were--all that and more real because they are also Americans, my mother's birth family and others.

I don't have much hope left, to be honest, as the USA is truly a rape culture and most people hate me for pointing that out as often as I do. My mother and Internet stalkers have been, to me its been obvious, trying to kill me or drive me to suicide for years. They are truly sick and evil people.

My lawyers, I have a small firm working on my Social Security disability claim, I have some confidence in. I have no confidence in the people working in mental health and only very little in my physician. Although I have an appropriate and friendly, honest for my frustrations, correspondence and talks with a psychologist, she and her colleges are simply ignorant.

Like the police in the USA, the psychologists are full of shit. They actually do harm, the opposite of good, because they believe they are psychic and they refuse to be rational about the difference between their peer review studies and science grounded in logic. 

They are stupid people with the social status of wise people. 

They are simply in that business to reward the least deserving, autism spectrum people (people who are cut-throat towards others, abusive, exploitive, moral relativists) who want everyone to simply be a sociopath like them and give up the "grandiose" idea of making the USA a better place for human beings to live in. 

Instead we have the shrinks and cops saying only the autistic, only the sociopaths, are successful--because they are also fascists. They have criminal, racial and psychological profiling as a religion and don't need facts, logic nor scientific method, forensic investigation. 

I've got the money for a new laptop and am saving my stimulus check for as long as possible. I'm going to try to take it easy so I don't have more dizzy spells too. I'll talk to my doctor about them. 

Really though, I just want my mother and her family and the truly evil and autistic people who have been cyberstalking me for years, Brian Mann and his troupe of imbeciles who have been impostering me for decades, to croak before I do. I deserve to have a life where they aren't always there tormenting me because thats what makes them laugh--evil retards they are, and yes it is mental retardation to be that mean, stubborn and without capacity for moral reasoning. That is in the Lord's hands. I do pray they are struck down.

America has taken all my freedoms away out of spite and prejudice, without cause nor because of crimes I've committed. Its a country where the police and shrinks are truly, total scumbags--retards calling shots.

If anyone who used to buy the paper from me is reading this, I'll almost certainly publish the petition, motion and affidavit I'm working on, hopefully do good enough so 50 people sign it and an actual lawyer takes this political social justice work on, as I'm no lawyer myself.

Then maybe I can still accomplish some good despite being called schizophrenic by autistic morons, lock step and organized to deny me the life I'm entitled to.


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