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Design Engineering Software and Remodeling my Life

I purchased a year's subscription to AutoDesk Fusion 360 because of a limited 20% discount. I installed it on my MacBook Pro and it seems to work perfectly.

I have a 30 day free trial to be sure I actually want the annual subscription, which cost me $400. Setting up my office (computer, accessories, software and printer/scanner) cost me $1,400. I got a great deal on the MacBook Pro because now most Apple computer fanatics all want the touch screen. I prefer the MacBook Pro I got because it has an upgraded power supply. I'd rather have that than the touch screen and I got it for about $300 less than it would have cost me before I was evicted--last time I checked.

My home office is what I live for. I am happiest when I'm at home in an office setting. I discovered this when I was 18 and it hasn't changed since.

I've changed the shelving in my apartment and organized all my things. It feels good to be almost totally settled in. I've got a French press, new coffee maker and loose Yerba Mate and coffee. I love Yerba Mate more than alcohol, always have since I was in my 20s and always make it loose in a French press.

I love Yerba Mate more than coffee, which I'll make in the drip. I don't like coffee more than alcohol and as I get older I want less of both.

There are some issues with my apartment building maintenance is sure to fix, and hopefully soon--issues with my coat/shirt rack for hangers and table (which folds out from a wall).

By next Monday I should be entirely settled in--it will take me about three weeks to decompress from my homelessness.

The gyms have opened so I'm going to see if I can get into a regular walking/hiking routine and if I can accomplish that I can afford a membership.

Street Roots, being a highly democratic non profit organization with two boards, one the board of directors and the other the board of vendors--as I understand what I've been told--looks like it will approve Branching Out for a $245 bulk mail rate license from USPS. It may take another week to find out.

I'm close enough to Washington Park which I've enjoyed exercise in-hiking in before when I lived in a terrible apartment managed by IPM. The apartment I'm in now is much nicer than that apartment was and only three blocks farther from Washington Park.

As summer is approaching, I'm still close enough to the Hawthorne and Foster neighborhoods I could pick up my old exercise-hustle again, volunteering for the Little Library syndicate and profiting to the extent I can distributing old Multnomah County Library books and selling what I can for profit at Powell's Books.

Its exercise, its intellectually engaging, I put more quality books into the Little Library (system/syndicate of private residence, home owners) than I take out, far more. I'd like to do that once or twice a week. I'd like to sell the paper on the streets, probably at a different location than the one I have now, once or twice a week.

I'm still waiting on my $600 and $1400 check because I did not have a bank account nor had I paid taxes when I filed for the $1,200. I did get the $1200 check for stimulus. I've received less than half, about 25% of my Pandemic Unemployment Ansurance. I'm legally owed more than $6,000 by PUA as I've been told by Oregon Unemployment, but they are still having terrible computer problems.

I still have the money set aside to sue Brian Mann, who has been cyberstalking (the 4Chan troll, sadistic lulz autistic), then physically stalked me, used my name and photographs to create accounts via the Internet, and has impersonated law enforcement on both the Internet and telephone for the express purpose of damaging me financially and to destroy my peace of mind.

I will not spend into that fund which is mostly for a private investigator and small claims Court defamation case where I'm the Plaintiff.

I have given up on suing Do Good, although they deserve to be sued and should be. I truly believe they cause more harm than good and their type of "mental health services" perpetuate and worsen violence and especially self-inflicted violence/addiction. I'm always going to remember my experiences as a participant at WyEast shelter before and after they took over running it.

Do Good truly has a policy of promoting heroin abuse. They sanction and promote street fights whereby heroin and meth addicts are excused from punishment when they target homeless people who are drunk. Do Good also is a group of churches who collaborate with the Four Square Christian church which is an incest cult. Their psychology is tragic for the community and certainly always was in my life.

I have not given up on suing my former landlord, NW Housing Alternatives, for discriminating against me for how I reacted to their sexual harassment and assault policy at the Hawthorne East apartments, but I have less than two months remaining on my statute of limitations to file the tort.

I have not given up on my potential lawsuit against Central City Concern, which I still have a year remaining for that medical malpractice lawsuit. I also have not given up on my Social Security disability case.

A life and routine seems to be coming together for me, now that I'm outside the routine of the TPI homeless shelter system. 

I sober life too is coming together for me even though I do not live in a sober living apartment.

I have switched to a pescitarian diet this week, eating only fish. I've cut out meat and poultry. I may eat a few eggs, otherwise its tofu and vegetables, fruits. Humus and nuts are great but I don't have much space in my smaller than a galley kitchen.

I've enjoyed months of eating like this before.

I've enjoyed Netflix for the first time in my life, these two weeks of being housed after over two years of being unhoused and I'm going to cancel my membership after this month. I already did for Hulu.

I still enjoy the show Ground Zero hosted by Clyde Lewis now on Afrtermath FM Ground Zero on Aftermath FM

I've got the following books to read: 1.) Whores of the Court 2.) Genetic Heavy Metal Toxicity: Explaining SIDS, Autism, Tourette's, Alzheimer's and Other Epidemics 3.) Mad in America 4.) Autism, Brain, and Environment 5.) The Age of Autism

After I've read all those books I'll be able to finish my book, Rape Culture: The American Nightmare. In it I connect environmental pollution to autism and autism to psychological, sexual and domestic violence. I also frame a narrative where psychiatry is outed as medical insurance fraud.

If I've got the right strategy, going forward with my life after so long being homeless and resolved to never be homeless again, I've got to continue living a sober life, eat a mostly pescitarian diet, pray and exercise, learn how to use design engineering software on my MacBook Pro, continue to work part time and community organize for and with Street Roots then settle outstanding legal and medical issues.

Doing these things in addition to eating, excreting, sleeping and hygiene/self care is all I really have time for in my life. I honestly don't have more time to feel a little better to feeling a lot better, with tobacco, marijuana and alcohol. I don't have more time for games, movies nor TV.

Its so nice, easily the most comforting aspect of my life, to have a personal and private toilet and shower to excrete and clean with. Being homeless, the worst thing about it is not being able to have your own routine for defecating and urinating. Its always on the schedule of some business or organization or its in public and technically a crime.

I have time for reading and watching the news. I have time for documentaries and You Tube Premium seems to be worth it.

Before the end of summer I'll have time to finish reading The Cartoon History of the World and return it to the River District Navigation shelter where I was staying and remind myself of what my life was like very recently, not that long ago--over two years of being homeless.

I can actually shelter in place now, because of COVID. For the first year of the lockdown, I was living on the streets or in homeless shelters.

My financial future looks like it will become increasingly stable. I don't have much debt compared to most people at my level of poverty.

I know what my faith has taught me and what I've learned from philosophy and religion. I still have my diplomas and personal photographs. I hope to get an external hard drive by winter and transfer my ample audio CD and DVD movie collection to it--which I also managed to keep.

I miss my cat who I lost or she was killed by narcotics addicts but my apartment is so small there isn't really room for her. I won't get another pet even though they do help me keep my post traumatic stress from becoming a disorder. She was the third cat I had named Bast.

If I can be successful with design engineering, its very likely I can move to a larger apartment in a year and get another PTSD companion. I think I would go for an aquarium with fresh water fish. If I can rent a small house again, I'd get an aquarium and another cat and name her Sekhmet. If I ever become lucky enough to buy or have a mortgage for my own home with a yard I would get a dog and probably a Shiba Inu although I don't know what I would name him or her.

I have room for some house plants and there is good light for them on my window sill. I'll get those soon and possibly a small bonsai which I would work on.

There is a lot missing in my life such as family and friends I meet up with regularly. I have friends at work and where I've been staying at the shelter; but I'm not going back to those I was friendly with there except to return a book I borrowed.

I don't want for romance, sex nor to be part of an inner circle of friends. I hope the latter does happen at some point but my work and disabilities make the former more the subject of my dreams than life.

My political life, or what I say to politicians, may evolve into my creating a new website for libertines.

CyberHawk incorporated I need to shop around again this Spring and Summer, while selling Street Roots on the street or community organizing at Sisters of the Road to see if I can find people to co-found a board of three directors and make CyberHawk a 501c3 and public safety campaign.

I feel good and content when I'm sober. I'm realizing my limits for sin tax luxuries, more and more, but at the same time realizing limits are mutable and not so fixed as I believed when I was more taught than self taught.

Although I've quit playing online games on a regular/daily basis, some of which I've been playing for over a decade (Forge of Empires), in my relapse-drunkenness of the better part of the first two weeks I became housed, I did spend $20 on a new game called Hero Wars.

It is a game exactly as described in America: The Farewell Tour by Chris Hedges as in the flashing lights, an actual roulette wheel, are designed to cause relaxation like heroin. The game is not what I should be doing with my time but it is the game I decompressed with.

Soon, I won't play any online games. Its only this last game and then I will have two to three hours a day to do something else instead of play games. Before I was evicted, I played less than two hours a day and was on the phone every day with elected officials.


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