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Showing posts from December, 2020

Democrats are Dumber and Republicans more Heartless

As stated in the last post, the United States of America is a nation of immigrants afflicted with genetic mental retardation. Mental retardation, or neurological disability, comes in three types: physical (such as with the hypothalamus and regulation of the physical body, coordination-mobility, sight, smell, the physical senses), intellectual (IQ), and emotional/empathy (EQ). People afflicted are often afflicted with multiple types of neurological disability. With the genetic brain disease most people are familiar with, Downs Syndrome, the physical senses and IQ are often noticed as diminished. This is why great expense and care is afforded to people with Downs Syndrome, and rightly so. More functional, capable people, have diminished IQs and others also more functional and capable diminished EQs. Lead poisoning, any amount of particulate lead ingested into the body, will inevitably lower the intelligence of a person unless that lead is removed from their body. This is settled science

America and the "Free World" is Plague Autism and Anti-Intellectualism

As I finish reading Asking for It , a feminist's take on rape culture in the USA, I have discovered a truth which brings me no joy. America is a nation which exalts, celebrates, genetic mental retardation. The American people are, the vast majority, mentally retarded people. This is a scientific reality supported by the facts of history. I cannot explain how it is Americans are a fundamentally racist people, the total lie of different races of people being enshrined in the US Constitution, who also claim to a be a free people when the two are mutually exclusive conditions other than to conclude the population is mostly mentally retarded--neurologically disabled, a mix of low IQ and low EQ people who established abject stupidity as "normal." Keep in mind, human beings are the most intelligent beings by far--until we might discover extra terrestrials who are of superior intelligence. As such, even a mentally retarded human being is extremely intelligent compared to other pr

Ending 2020 Talking With Lawyers

It is with a modicum of humor the month of December has been mostly about seeking and talking with attorneys. To be sure, my legal issues are no laughing matter and yet at the same time our legal system is a joke. I have zero confidence in our legal system and believe it is an institution of morally bankrupt people. Given the average cost of an attorney, the scarcity of attorneys, the political biases of attorneys and judges and the stupidity that is our jury system (a jury of your peers, in America, is a jury of imbeciles as the vast majority of Americans are at their core, profoundly stupid people) there is nothing enjoyable about seeking justice. Still, I need attorneys. One I already paid and it was well worth the money. I may even pay him more if and when I get the police report naming the serial stalker, ID thief/appropriator and autistic lunatic (zero empathy, negative to be politically correct) Brian Joseph Mann. Regardless, I have a private investigator and the paperwork to fi

I'm Trying to Help Street Roots Vendors

I've already helped one Vendor who stays at my shelter get her Pandemic Unemployment Assistance. Its a lot of money, over $10,000. Another Vendor who I'm friends with I encouraged to apply for it and he did, so I'm sure he'll get it soon. The problem for many if not most Vendors is they are homeless and not living in a shelter. They are camping outside. The woman staying at my shelter had to get her case worker to file for her as she struggles with literacy and computers. Her situation is shared by most Vendors insofar as I can tell. When the $1,200 stimulus check was issued I asked Kaia the executive director to help the Vendors apply for it and maybe she already had that in the works, but after I made the request someone was hired to help the other Vendors get their stimulus money. That helped a lot of Vendors and now its possible for Street Roots to help each Vendor get more than $10,000. There shouldn't be any problem helping them get the PUA money same as they

Why the "Woke" Mentality is Stupid and/or Autistic

I have to take a moment to speak to politics and why the Democratic party is a hoard of stupid moral degenerates who in all probability are also in the autism spectrum--because they resist real change, deny Republicans the content of their characters, foist profiles and everything about their worldview is a set of profiles and mostly demonstrate an adolescent morality where they proclaim their morality in a negative way--to demoralize others. That said, I do not consider Democrats to be liberals. At most they are neoliberals but this term only means autistic, or of an autistic mentality. Neoconservatives are the same, they are of an autistic mentality and they are not conservatives. Moreover, in politics the term progressive means of an autistic mentality or a movement of people in the autism spectrum. The conservatives who became neoconservatives also had a movement, the evangelical movement of the super churches of autism spectrum people or those who promote such a mentality. Autisti

Zero Degrees of Empathy

I've finished reading and taking notes on Dr. Simon Baron-Cohen's Zero Degrees of Empathy . My next read is Asking for It  by Kate Harding. I've also purchased three more books, the second by Dr. Baron-Cohen The Science of Evil , Robert Whitaker's Mad in America , and Margaret Hagen's Whores of the Court . The first book I read and took notes on for my own work was by Chris Hedges,  America the Farewell Tour . I will include those notes flushed out as I've done with Dr. Baron-Cohen's book soon, but probably not until after I've done the same with Asking for It . What is written below is my analysis of Zero Degrees of Empathy . Much of the language seen here will be included in my manuscript I'll solicit to publishers such I would finally become an author myself, Rape Culture: the American Nightmare . All of these books, together with everything I remember reading at university and afterwards I'm drawing upon for Rape Culture . Much of my reading