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Why the "Woke" Mentality is Stupid and/or Autistic

I have to take a moment to speak to politics and why the Democratic party is a hoard of stupid moral degenerates who in all probability are also in the autism spectrum--because they resist real change, deny Republicans the content of their characters, foist profiles and everything about their worldview is a set of profiles and mostly demonstrate an adolescent morality where they proclaim their morality in a negative way--to demoralize others.

That said, I do not consider Democrats to be liberals. At most they are neoliberals but this term only means autistic, or of an autistic mentality. Neoconservatives are the same, they are of an autistic mentality and they are not conservatives.

Moreover, in politics the term progressive means of an autistic mentality or a movement of people in the autism spectrum. The conservatives who became neoconservatives also had a movement, the evangelical movement of the super churches of autism spectrum people or those who promote such a mentality.

Autistic people objectify others. People are objects to be systematized by autistic people. They don't have the intellectual capacity for empathy, although plenty of them mock it--pretend to have empathy. As this regards neoliberals and neoconservatives, they lack the capacity for empathy for the other and are polarizing our society into Jesus freaks or psychobabblers.

For more on what autism spectrum is, you can read my analysis in the last post "Zero Degrees of Empathy" or accept the definition here: non sentient automatons.

Now, as for the "woke" movement and why it is a movement of abject morons who deserve marginalization in society by any means necessary. They should not be respected because their beliefs only bring harm and they are too arrogant and ignorant to realize it.

1.) Race does not exist. To claim different races of people exist is to be a racist and participate in institutional racism. To be an institutional racist who protests racism is to reveal oneself as incompetent, irrational, delusional and/or insane (on drugs or mentally retarded/neurologically disabled at the genetic level).

2.) Transexuals and homosexuals are not so because of genetics. The human genome has been sequenced and no genes were found despite a robust effort to find them which suggest people are born gay or born with genes in their brain to make them feel like they are of a different gender other than their gender at birth. To suggest otherwise is to be a liar, or the victim of a terrible psychotherapist who instilled the idea and brainwashed their patient into a lifetime of paid therapy, hormone therapy and gender reassignment--a victim of an autistic moral degenerate working as a psychologist and there are many. Being gay or transgender is a choice.

3.) Meth and heroin are ALWAYS crimes with victims. To call narcotics abuse a "victimless crime" is to be a complete idiot who ignores the reality of all the assaults, sexual assaults, theft, vandalism and all the other petty crimes which go unreported (because the victims believe they would be disbelieved by the police) or not investigated (because the police won't name a suspect, either because they don't believe the victim enough or don't have the resources to police so many petty crimes, sex crimes and assaults).

4.) Social justice can never follow from lies, nor factually incorrect beliefs. There is nothing about woke culture that contributes to social justice. To the contrary, woke culture is polarizing society, antagonizing honest and sincere people, promoting bigotry and hatred and popularizing ignorance and stupidity (the latter being people who realize woke culture makes little to no sense but promote it anyway to fit in with others in the woke movement).

As a Libertine, a classic American liberal and so drawn to that classic American liberalism the same as the Marquis de Lafayette was--realizing the hypocrisy of American democracy as peasants/the masses are wholly incapable of good self government yet maybe one day they could be--I see "woke" culture as being at the core of the progressive movement.

Bernie Sanders, probably the patriarch of the progressive movement in contemporary America, is leading this charge of anti-intellectual/pseudo-intellectual people in what is everything like a Communist movement only different for how it rejects rational thinking whereas Communism historically rejected religion.

Sanders and the alt-left do not make the rejection of religion part of their Progressive Communist agenda although in speaking to many of them its obvious few are religious. To me, this means the Progressive Communists have irreconcilable differences with Communists because Communists pride themselves on rational thinking and woke people clearly do not. They are a mob of conflicted emotional people.

As such, they are driving many conservatives up the proverbial wall and those conservatives have my sympathy. In fact I've communicated my sympathies to many of them. Unfortunately, conservatives (and this is why I'm a Libertine rather than a Libertarian, a liberal instead of a conservative), are not educated people as the high functioning autism spectrum people effectively took control of the universities in the USA, after Vietnam.

That said, and given the neoliberals also control the media with tacit support from neoconservatives, it appears to me the conservatives are being driven to Revolution. Regardless of what Trump has to do or say, I think his core supporters are increasingly outside his control.

As for Libertines like myself, there are too few--less than 1% of the population would fit into the Libertine category. The vast majority of Americans calling themselves liberals are actually neoliberals and so not liberals at all. Libertines are hated by neoliberals and neoconservatives because they have heart, mind and soul and this quality enrages the autistic masses like zombies want to devour the brains of those who are truly living.

Libertarians, the closest allies to Libertines, outnumber them at least 100 to 1 and still the Libertarians are consumed in their own political struggle with the Neos, the autistics in both parties, the masses. Still, there is some hope for the future because the Libertarians have not been totally decimated as the Libertines have.

The militia groups in particular are increasingly rogue, or ronin Republicans.

Ronin were samurai who lost their lord and so federated into mercenary bands. By ronin Republican (a term I first used on social media over a decade ago--so something I've been thinking about for quite some time as it increasingly seems appropriate when discussing Republicans) I mean Republicans who have no national leadership. Their leaders are in their States and their States are enough for them to care about.

If the militia groups and their supporters--most of whom are not out there training with AR-15s, weapons--do go ronin after Trump then its likely they will target woke organizers with violence, even killing them. This is the tragic probability given the freedoms insane people enjoy. Sane people, especially sane people who are not educated, can only take so much insanity before they begin to beat and/or kill the insane.

Its a terrible probability and I consider it a probability because I also consider Biden's talk for wanting to "lower the temperature" and bring Americans together as a united people to be a vain, vapid pipe dream. Both sides of the proverbial aisle are polarizing at increasing rates of intensity.

Its possible Trump is hedging his bet to regain control of the Republican party after he loses it. General Flynn has called for Martial Law and then a second election to replace the first. That would not displease me at all. In fact, I consider that the best case scenario although I also believe it is a remote possibility--close to 1% chance, almost certainly will not happen.

The reason why I consider that to be the best case scenario is it would prevent the rising tide of violence I foresee as the probability, with ronin Republicans. Also, the Progressive Communists are moral degenerates: liars, thieves, sexual predators and dope fiends.

The violence done by Antifa is real, and I have no doubts they are also Progressive Communists after associating with so many here in Portland, while being homeless. Not to brag, but when I was living in Rockaway Beach in 2000-2002 two men approached me, one with CIA credentials and the other with NSA and Secret Service credentials. They approached me to "feel me out" and suggest I could have a career in US intelligence.

I had been in Egypt with my university but when they changed the plan to spend the last week in Israel I stayed behind in Egypt with my friend and girlfriend and we immersed ourselves in Egyptian culture and spent a week hanging out with Muslim Brotherhood people who were kind enough to give me a booklet stating I was protected by them, or "cool."

I've always had the ability to get along with dangerous people if I want to.

Anyway, I turned down the career with US intelligence even when they tried to strongarm me into it while graduating and doing post baccalaureate studies at PSU.

The point here is, I'm sure I know what I'm talking about when I'm talking about Antifa in Portland. I'm also sure I understand the Proud Boys and Patriot Prayer crowd well enough to predict ongoing clashes between them regardless of what Biden and Trump say.

So, since this is the lay of the land, Martial Law would be a good idea before it gets out of hand. Moreover, the election was rigged. Everything about voting by mail makes election fraud infinitely easier than voting in person. You really have to be an idiot to believe otherwise.

Voter fraud may or may not occur with voting by mail; but my point is simply its at least 100 times easier (more like 500 times easier) to defraud the system when the ballots are mailed in. I won't even explain why, its so obvious and if anyone reading this doesn't understand why I've said this, consider thinking and researching voter fraud and its long history in the USA especially under Democrats at Tammany Hall.

Put another way, it wouldn't be hard to convince the military (at least the Republicans in the military) that this election was either Fraud or there is no way rational people can have confidence in this election because it was too easy to commit Voter Fraud, they should not have confidence in the outcome.

And even if the Voter Fraud which I'm sure occurred with the Dominion vote tabulation software being hacked, bogus ballots, other people registering to Vote for other people (online) such those ballots were sent to the person who was not the actual person named on the ballot, ballot harvesting, dead people and pets being registered to Vote, etc.

Even if all that Fraud which I'm sure did happen was not enough to change the outcome of the election, the mass media purposefully lied about Trump. Nothing about CNN, MSNBC, PBS, ABC, NBC or CBS is journalism. Its all propaganda same as Fox and the media in the USA is a pile of garbage which ought be set on fire so their psychiatric dope pushing insanity comes to an end.

Hunter Biden is a crook. Delaware was the first State to adopt offshore banking practices like the Cayman Islands, which is banking like the Silk Road, it adopted banksterism. Scranton is an incestuous shit hole of a town that used to be a city.

Spare me the partisanship. Both Democrats and Republicans are corrupt and there are more Democrats which means they have more confidence when being corrupt and so they are more corrupt. The media did everything they could to lie, cheat and steal the election from Trump. That fact, the Voter Fraud that did happen, is the cake and icing of shit that is American politics in 2020.

The second reason I'd like to see Martial Law, regardless of whether Biden or Trump declares it, is because US Courts are garbage. We have the worst legal system in the developed world--we used to be a 1st world economy but that changed under Obama so the banks now consider us a 2nd world nation because of US debt and systemic poverty (look at all the homeless people/refugees). If we compare ourselves to other first world nations, our legal system is easily the most corrupt and worthless.

The main thing Martial Law does is tell the lawyers and Judges to fuck off and if they don't fuck off then they get shot, basically. I believe that is the message the lawyers and Judges need to hear from the US military.

Also, we have a pandemic going on and the best way to deal with that is a military approach. We have the worst healthcare system in the developed world. It is notorious for corruption. The majority of our doctors are shills for pharmaceutical companies and they will, in all probability, find a way to profiteer from the vaccine distribution. Our government might say it will be free, but the doctors and pharmaceutical companies are the greediest in the world compared to other countries and I have zero confidence they are suddenly going to change--especially after being so overworked and under pressure like they have been since COVID.

Lastly, the reality is the USA no longer has global hegemony. We do not have the power to project around the world like we did up until Obama took office and spent the last fumes of the power the USA used to have. The military needs to rebuild and be reformed--especially as it pertains to Fort Hood and the rape culture.

This can't really be accomplished if the USA continues under the status quo, civilian rule with civilian courts and the autistic morons who are our psychologists confusing everyone, dumbing them down.

I still hope to leave the USA and not without adding a lot of value to it before I do. CyberHawk inc. (once it becomes a 501c3) and my book (when published) will be contributions to American society far in excess of what the USA ever did for me.

I'm still not sure where I'd like to go but on my list in no particular order, I'm considering the following as a future new home and beginning (as I don't want dual citizenship): Russia, Netherlands, Norway, Germany, France, United Kingdom and those territories those nations protect, such as Aruba and New Caledonia.

America is a nightmare populated by sleepwalkers and the dream people are living is increasingly violent as the sleeping people claiming to be woke are truly woken up.

I want no part of the violence and I see no future in the USA given my expected longevity that does not include WWIII, Civil War, Martial Law or myself being murdered. There are tens of millions of drug addicts, psychopaths (such as Brian Joseph Mann who could very well become violently insane after I sue him and win, ending his 22+ years of stalking me and people in my life while impersonating me and law enforcement such he can "control and judge" me), dirty cops or hitmen paid by my own sadistic, incestuous child rapist-thieving family.

I do want the State of Oregon put under Martial Law because the Democrats of Oregon and Kate Brown are autism spectrum moral degenerates who push institutional racism while simultaneously protesting it, decriminalized incest and rape by making it a "mental health issue," decriminalized meth and heroin by making it a "mental health issue," do not produce economic growth, produce a welfare State, have more homeless and sexually abused children per capita than any other State, Portland is a cesspool of genetically brain diseased sexual predators and narcotics addicts and Oregonians are too stupid to deserve the right to self government.

That right should be forcibly taken away from them so the US military can save the children of Oregon from the rape and drug addiction Oregon Democrats have in store for them.

To be sure, Democrats are the champions of rape culture. They push the fraud that is mental health--since Freud created psychiatry its main function is to silence/marginalize/abuse victims of rape and excuse crimes from criminal prosecution which they do for money. Joe Biden is a sexual and moral degenerate, as no less than seven women reported him for sexual harassment, assault and rape. The most outspoken is Tara Reade.

So it is the "woke" movement that is actually a movement of mentally retarded--probably genetic autism--people who simply lie all the time.

They accuse Trump of being the rapist when Biden has been accused of rape by more believable accusers than those who have accused Trump--although they both might be rapists since they are both Baby Boomer males (that generation has no honor, especially when it comes to sex--they are not human beings they are animals with opposable thumbs and autistic brains--the vast majority of them are this way).

They accuse Republicans of being the greater evil when Democrats are the greater evil. They accuse Republicans of being "whack jobs" and conspiracy theorists yet Democrats are the first to blame Russia and accuse other Democrats of being Russian spies whenever something bad is said or happens to Democrats.

America is a nightmare and without question it is a nightmare created, mostly, by Democrats and their autistic horde of moral degenerates who were spawned in the Baby Boom only to grow up and become drug fiends and pathological liars. Its a party of junkies, perverts and retards (neurologically disabled). They want to control the narrative, the language, but their freedom of speech is simply lies. They are the party of slavery, still. They have no shame about how they want to control society. They are the party that created mass incarceration and mental healthcare and those two Democratic institutions are institutions of slavery.

They will cry "hate speech" whenever the reality of their hateful beliefs is exposed. Reverse psychology is their hallmark.They can not be reasoned with and in Portland, the zombies are hipsters and they dominate society with their group-think. Its Portlandia and in a way its funny; but only if you ignore all the rape and drug abuse which most defines the culture "sanctified" by mental health professionals.

God damn them to Hell and may the Lord smite them in America so their party is destroyed, forever.


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