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Showing posts from February, 2020

Bad Religion

It's 2 years of homelessness for me on August 6th. Both of my laptops have been physically destroyed. It is impossible for me to finish the manuscript for publishers to consider on my phone. The public libraries are not safe for me. Like emergency rooms and hospitals used to warehouse the mentally ill public libraries in Multnomah County have been doing for years. Warehousing of the homeless and mentally ill, those places are not safe for me at all. My stalkers have been organizing others, the desperate, mentally ill and perverse to partake in a lynching of me. When I lived in Rockaway Beach, the butcher at the grocery I assisted in all departments told me he wanted to burn a cross in my yard, where I was renting, in 2001. Members of my family stalked me physically back then, in Rockaway Beach--an aunt and uncle, their sons she and one of them pastors of the Four Square Church and they have told others im possessed by demons when really they are an incest cult and completely opposi

Dosed With Ayahuasca, Poisoned

Today, I believe, someone poisoned my coffee while I was in the bathroom at Street Roots, my coffee left on the table. It was the first time I went to the emergency room. I was so light headed and my heart was racing I thought I was going to die for about an hour. I walked a few block to my health clinic when it occurred to me I had been poisoned or was about to have a heart attack. They took urin and blood samples so I'll find out in two weeks what was in me making me feel so close to death. What I find most distressing is the probability I was poisoned or some drug was put in my coffee. I continue to be stalked by a group of people, some of whom are my relatives. Some of those relatives are also people who raped, molested and sexually harassed me. Overcoming the damage they caused my motivation for writing this book and blog. They are also ministers of the Four Square Church which is insane like Branch Davidians or the Klu Klux Klan. The police who will investigate my being assau

Assaulted by a Combat Veteran on Meth

Last Saturday night I was assaulted, dislocated shoulder, my laptop destroyed, $10 stolen.  I am no longer at the WyEast shelter, it's a backwards place. I routinely was harassed there and when I complained about it to staff I became the problem. Being homeless has shown me many if not most homeless people get disability or Veterans benefits. The vast majority of them abuse drugs and live like parasites on the system, social services, like the shelter I was at. Saturday night I had enough, and told everyone at the shelter this. So I wasn't surprised to be kicked out but I did not expect to be followed by the combat Veteran who then assaulted me. I called him a blue eyed ape earlier in the evening because he had been in my face telling me about his inner rage since early that morning. Most Veterans I met were more human than beast but its my experience the combat Vets we're dehunanized by their experience and predators on civilians. At least one and probably all three of the