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Showing posts from June, 2021

Name & Shame: Serial Child Rape Against Native American Girls and Their Systemic Rape-Experience Through Adulthood

Canadian Native Americans are speaking out about forced assimilation, documented government programs, centered upon the sexual abuse and rape (forced breeding) of Native American women who even had their names changed by the Canadian government so they could only identify as their new slave identity. Psychiatry, in Canada, informed government to effect this policy under a Christian pretext. It was worm-tongue psychobabble adopted by government as policy towards these minority people. They are rightfully now demanding their own policy, to eventually correct this great injustice insomuch it should be a moral lesson for the entire world. I'm sure the same, much the same, has happened to Native Americans in the USA and still they care more about everyone and the earth, clean air and water for life more than anyone else. It is a great shame all American countries share in, to have colonized Native Americans instead of properly settling with them as most of the explorers promised they wo