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Showing posts from April, 2021

Rapists Who Murder

 As the George Floyd murder trial concludes today, the news is also reporting ex-sheriff and detective (so a high ranking person in law enforcement, top tier or elite) Stephen Broderick raped a 16 year old girl and then murdered two girls and a man, in Austin Texas. The trial of Derek Chauvin and other police officers who commit terrorist acts, worse than terrorist acts, are usually not held to a criminal standard because in America, the autistic (people who are not sentient) define reality. They define reality because the majority of Americans agree to participate in the political correctness of autism spectrum people, who profile everyone. A police officer profile cannot be a criminal profile. Black people are often poor and poverty often drives crime therefore profiles of poor black criminals. Everyone has a profile in our society because the Courts in our society say psychologists and psychiatrists are expert-scientists for how they profile people. In fact they are genetically brai

Whores of the Court: The Fraud of Psychiatric Testimony and the Rape of American Justice

  This post continues to be worked on in July, three months after I created it. A lot happened in that time to explain my delay in finishing this book review and essay. More than those reasons, such as finally getting housing after over two years of homelessness, staring up my own tech company and more--the main reason this is taking me so long is because of how angry psychologists make me and how infuriating it is for me to live in a society which regards psychologists with respect instead of contempt. I have nothing but contempt for psychologists, even though some psychologists like Dr. Hagen and Dr. Baron-Cohen are well intended. I consider the USA culturally backwards and indeed incestuous (incest is common, parents raping their own children, where psychology is also popular). Future generations of Americans deserve a legitimate legal system. They deserve better than what we've always had with our whores of the court and the justice pimps (lawyers, shrinks, judges). Dr. Margare