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Showing posts from October, 2019

Random Acts of Kindness

A patron of Street Roots, Bee, donated $100 to CyberHawk. Hopefully Jeff, Megan and I file the 501c3 paperwork this month. Regardless, the $100 I need for State of Oregon fees is taken care of and not commingled with my personal finances. Thank you Bea for CyberHawk's first $100, the moral support, insights regarding the subject of my book, political discussions and ongoing patronage this last year! I hope to rewrite the 20+ pages I lost to vandalism-sabotage this weekend.

My New Cause: CyberHawk

Bad news first, I lost 20 pages more than I had realized, on my laptop. I do not have a home nor regular Internet connection. What I thought I had backed up, leeching off WiFi signal near the shelter, was not backed up. My laptop was totally destroyed as mentioned in Update #11. Thanks to Marcus, a patron of Street Roots, I'll be able to rewrite the second section of the Effects of Rape Culture. The first part I'll post later, its revisions. Its very upsetting to me the man who destroyed my laptop is allowed to do such things because he is a military veteran. It was the same with Ray (who was white) who threw a 70 year old woman against a wall at the Hawthorne East apartments, seriously injuring her. He was a Veteran so he was allowed to get away with assault, shake downs, narcotics, human trafficking for sex work. I was Evicted for refusing to look at him as if he were more than a pile of shit. In America, we give too much respect to Veterans--especially since, other than

Race Does Not Exist

When I was volunteering for Hillary Clinton's 2016 campaign, I spent what little disposable income I had to design shirts like this, variety of monochrome and other color combinations. Last night my laptop with my manuscript for Rape Culture: the American nightmare  was destroyed by vandalism, by people who told me to my face and threw chairs around the homeless shelter that my shirt was an offense to racists who fought and died for the US military. The senior citizen in a wheelchair is also a military Veteran and black. His behavior is hateful and yet more people at the shelter sympathize with him after his gossip and tantrum throwing. I am not scared, but the reality is some people religiously believe in race and therefore are racists. Some of them are openly hostile to me when I wear this shirt. My laptop was destroyed, water was thrown on my clothing and bunk, I was asked to leave for two nights and did, because even though the guy is factually and morally INCORRECT,