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Showing posts from October, 2020

The Moral Degeneracy that is America

I am convinced America and the American people are the moral degenerates of the world--the least moral people in the world, the most corrupt and Sinful. When I was four years old, my mother brutally and sexually assaulted my sister (who was three) and I. I told my paternal grandparents about it and they called the police, but the police only spoke to my mother. I was there when the police came, but the officer only spoke to her. The rest of my life, ever since my first memories, has been living hell. Still to this day, it is, and the reason why is because the American people are incestuous and evil. Incest marriage is legal in 25 States and New York recently legalized marriage between an uncle and niece--a grown man sexually exploiting his own niece the way Woody Allen groomed his adopted daughter. The police are racist and follow the amoral guidance of psychiatry--who profile others the same as racial profiling.  The people, however, are the worst. The evils of America do not come fro

Burning Neoliberal Bridges

I've had a falling out with Street Roots and Commissioner Jo Ann Hardesty. I still think Street Roots is one of the best organizations in Portland, because they clearly do the most to help the homeless. They offer a safe space, allow the homeless to earn an income without panhandling and provide much needed resources. For this they should always be respected. What led to my meltdown and ending my political friendship with the Commissioner, is their positions on race and mental healthcare. Race does not exist. The vast majority of people think it does. This means I am like one of the people who understood the Earth revolves around the Sun and is round living in a community that believes the Sun revolves around the Earth and the Earth is flat. This analogy is exact and perfectly descriptive of my situation. Institutional racism is 100% about institutions promoting the idea that different races exist. Every time an American is asked what race they are, that is institutional racism bec

The Stalker Who Stole My Identity

Brian Joseph Mann, a citizen of Oregon, continues his 20+ year long stalking and cyberstalking of me. Oregon, sadly, allows moral degenerates--he was a criminal since his teenage years, convicted of reckless endangerment multiple times, of the lives of others--to be excused from the prison terms they deserve. Because the psychiatric moral degenerates, autism spectrum dope fiends, who are our mental health community of professionals, Brian was not sent to prison not even after his second conviction of reckless endangerment of the lives of others. He went on to marry, abuse his wife and the child he had by her. Instead of caring about justice, psychologists and psychiatrists farmed him out for their personal profit (charging the Oregon Health Plan to drug him and listen to his evil, insane, lies) to excuse him from criminal punishment for his crimes. That is all "mental health" is, its a crime against humanity to let 100% evil people escape 100% punishment for their crimes as i

COVID Quarantine

Someone at Street Roots tested positive for COVID19 and I had interacted with him. TPI then put me up at a motel for 10 days. That was yesterday. I get tested for COVID on Friday. If I have it I can stay longer and if not I'll return to the shelter. The room is nice. I quit smoking a week ago. I'm also drinking less as my injuries from being assaulted multiple times since becoming homeless have become bearable. They used to be more painful. I'm going to spend this time at the motel working on my book, mostly. CCC still has not produced all my medical records. I finally got through to the Social Security Administration and will mail them a letter as I must to get a copy of my lost disability case, all those medical records. I'll get a new doctor with a better organization than CCC once I get a reply to the letter I had signed, had witnessed and delivered. On Monday I open a new disability claim. Whenever I get all my medical records, I'll then seek an attorney to bri

Finding Myself

I've been busy with other things and will soon find out if I get a sub committee job with Metro, two hours a week for two years, paid. The subcommittee advises on how 250 million is to be spent on the homeless. The long time Vendor of City Hall, Pirate Pete, has not returned since the paper went out of print and for a month now is back in print. There us also a mandatory COVID video all Vendors have to watch to receive a new badge and Venmo number. Subscriptions to Strert Roots with bulk mail delivery for year may also become a an option after New Year. There is serious debate. I'm almost done with a five page letter to Central City Concern which I'm also prepared to show a Judge in our corrupt as Hell, Courts. My case is so plain I'll either catch a crooked Judge or totally convince, regarding gross medical malpractice by mental health insurance. I don't hate the people at CCC, yet they are far too corrupt and the mental heath goes way too far on mere opinion. Next